Contacter Euromag



From open-air market trucks, either LCV or HGV, to the panoramic Héliostar or vehicles for specific rounds (groceries, bakery or butcher’s), as well as Food Trucks of course.

Unternehmen und Freiberufler haben mit den verschiedenen Fahrzeugtypen die Wahl, wie sie ihr Geschäft erweitern möchten. Die Fahrzeuge sind sofort einsatzbereit, zweckmäßig und vollständig ausgestattet. Wenn Sie sich z. B. für den Marktwagen entscheiden, könnten Sie Ihre Geschäftstätigkeit schnell und einfach aufnehmen. 

The panoramic truck

The concept of the panoramic truck has been widely developed. It's the ideal local business truck for building a loyal customer base. From market to market, you can sell your products closer to your customers every day. In addition to keeping your meats and delicatessen products fresh, your butcher's truck, for example, preserves product quality.

With a panoramic truck as your point of sale, your business no longer risks being held back by lack of space. This mobile store gives you the opportunity to set up in crowded areas. It's spacious enough to let you get on with your business comfortably: well-displayed products, a large work surface, plenty of equipment at your disposal. As it's a touring truck, it's very useful for selling in places where commerce is less accessible. Residents of small towns, for example, will be delighted to see your bakery truck close to home. Translated with (free version)

The market truck

Euromag's fully-equipped market trucks are very popular with street vendors. They can travel for miles in a market truck to sell at markets or on tours. Door-to-door sales are also possible. Equipped with a refrigerated display case, a market truck also features a refrigerated storeroom large enough to hold merchandise, and suitable storage cupboards.

The food truck

In recent years, street food has enjoyed great success. The main attraction of these vehicles is their versatility and flexibility of use. Food trucks allow you to travel for miles to develop your business. They can also be used at village fairs and festivals. The food truck is built to meet your requirements and those of your customers.

The touring truck

At an incredible peak, touring trucks are different from other vehicles. They have to produce enough cold without electricity. Cold is produced in two different ways: either by accumulation or using a 220-volt refrigeration unit. The touring cheese truck, for example, is equipped with a well-lit display case and insulating panels to keep products as cold as possible. It's ideal for fishmongers, butchers, fruit and vegetable sellers... You can have your mini or maxi touring truck designed to suit your style and needs.